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IDProjektKategorieSichtbarkeitZuletzt aktualisiert
0000042MagellanGrafiköffentlich2007-11-21 02:53
ReporterKhadar Bearbeitung durchFiete  
PrioritätnormalSchweregradkleinerer FehlerReproduzierbarimmer
Status erledigtLösungerledigt 
Zusammenfassung0000042: Options -> icon styles
BeschreibungTalent < is missing.
I really liked this feature, I have it set so that skills getting better have a yellow background, while skills getting worse are shown in red. This last thing I can't do anymore, so I'm now missing the warning.
TagsKeine Tags zugeordnet.
ProjectMagellan 2

Notizen / Dateien


2007-06-14 22:51

Manager   ~0000073

Das verstehe ich noch nicht so ganz, aber ich schau gerne mal rein.


2007-06-15 13:23

Reporter   ~0000076

I guess I've had this in my magellan.ini for so long, I didn't realize it wasn't standard. No clue how I even got to this. I fixed it, this is basically what I'd like it to do, and it seems to work fine (copy to magellan.ini):

CellRenderer.Stylesets.MAIN.talent\ <=horizontaltextposition\=RIGHT;verticaltextposition\=CENTER

Still something strange going on, though. For some reason when saving and restarting magellan it creates subnodes "talent1" "talent2" "talent4" and "talent-1" etc all by itself. Doesn't seem to break anything, though.


2007-06-15 13:53

Reporter   ~0000077

Somehow some messed up part of this is created after closing magellan the first time. I deleted the .inis and error.txt (fresh start, right?), then started magellan, and noticed the improved skills were shown in red this time. I hadn't touched the icon styles myself, and nothing showed in the dialog when I looked there. After closing magellan and restarting with the newly created .ini, it DID show up under the icon styles dialog.


2007-06-15 23:20

Manager   ~0000081

Okay, thanks. I'll check that. Maybe this would be an nice feature for integration.


2007-07-03 13:10

Reporter   ~0000098

I figured it out. It shows up depending on the report you load. If a unit in the report has gained a skill level, the "Talent >" node is created, with "Talent 1", "Talent 2" etc as subnodes depending on how many levels the unit gained at once.

My guess is that when a report is loaded with a unit that lost skill levels (starvation, demons, other magical causes), the "Talent <" node will be created with the appropriate subnodes.

IMHO it'd be better to just create these (at least the main nodes) right away, as default setting.


2007-11-21 02:52

Manager   ~0000254

Added per default Talents> 1-3 and Talents< (-1)-(-3).
If in an report bigger changes occur AND is scheduled to dispay, an new style is added and available for editing in the preferences.
That means..just loading a report is not enough, it is required that you try to display the unit and the changed level.

Just for info: the styles are additive..Style Talent> will be taken for all properties for a level change of 2, for which Style Talent>.Talent2 do not define specific settings.



Änderungsdatum Benutzername Feld Änderung
2007-06-06 14:23 Khadar Neuer Eintrag
2007-06-14 22:51 trickert Notiz hinzugefügt: 0000082
2007-06-14 22:51 trickert Bearbeitung durch => trickert
2007-06-14 22:51 trickert Status neu => Rückmeldung
2007-06-15 13:23 Khadar Notiz hinzugefügt: 0000085
2007-06-15 13:53 Khadar Notiz hinzugefügt: 0000086
2007-06-15 23:20 trickert Notiz hinzugefügt: 0000090
2007-06-15 23:20 trickert Status Rückmeldung => bestätigt
2007-07-03 13:10 Khadar Notiz hinzugefügt: 0000107
2007-11-21 02:32 Fiete Bearbeitung durch trickert => Fiete
2007-11-21 02:32 Fiete Status bestätigt => zugewiesen
2007-11-21 02:52 Fiete Lösung offen => erledigt
2007-11-21 02:52 Fiete Status zugewiesen => erledigt